This was one of trumps worse pardons that he completely failed the American people with. Kodak has been in and out of trouble since then, and just can't seem to stay out of trouble. Trump, pardon him solely because he was a celebrity and not because he deserved it along with the other rappers who pardoned. These rappers do more to encourage crime in America than any other people with their terrible music and terrible messages. This type of music in Mexico is not even legal or in Puerto Rico. We consider it a real error in judgment to pardon somebody that doesn't deserve a pardon. It would be one thing if they were getting a life there together and doing the right thing but Kodak Black is doing everything but the right thing. So many other opportunities, you wasted President Trump just to try to buy the black vote. So many people you could've helped. And you only helped a handful of small time celebrities. It's seriously disappointing. I had so much hope in President Trump. I really thought that he was going to actually reform the Prisons and he did virtually nothing.